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Why calling back matters!

Why calling back matters!

About a week ago, I’d say, I had a customer call in with some pretty average questions regarding his setup. How he should wire his speakers, what gauge wire he would need, just the basics! He was pretty friendly overall, southern guy who was personable. Towards the end of our call, I was starting to give him the whole end of call spiel, “If you every need help feel free to reach out, etc, etc.” Just as I was going to hang up a hear a loud “HEY!” on his end. Before I knew it, my finger had pressed the button and the call was over.

Some other people may just brush it off as “That wasn’t towards me” or “He’ll call back if he needed something else”, but I decided to go above and beyond and immediately call him back. When I did he sounded so embarrassed, he didn’t have another question regarding car audio to me. Instead, I hear him meekly respond, “I just wanted to see how the weather was down there since Texas is iced over right now.” Rather than be annoyed or brush off his friendly banter as unimportant, I humored him and told him how it was raining here, but that I’d be sending heat and sun his way if we got any.

Later that same day, he went and posted a nice review, going as far as mentioning how incredible it was that we went out of our way to reach back out to him and that this had secured him in wanting to purchase more from us in the future.  This was an interaction with a customer that truly showed me just how important it may be to call a customer back, as customer service it is our job to be the voice of the customer and ensure that they FEEL heard. This was easily one of those moments where I feel like, even if it WAS a silly question, that this customer had felt heard and appreciated by us! 

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